February 29, 2012

Easter Bunny TuTu!!


Petti Style Bunny Tutu with Soft Pink and Silver Shimmery Tulle, Bunny Ears and a fluffy cotton tail!

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February 28, 2012


TopHat's & TuTu's is getting ready for a Craft Show in May! (Details to follow) 
 In preparation we will be adding lots of new TuTu's and would love to hear some of your suggestions on what we should add to our shop! We cant wait to hear your ideas, so post them to our facebook or comment here!!

February 15, 2012

Birthday Party Decor

Planning a Birthday Party can be stressful,
but it doesnt have to be!
Let Parties by TopHat's & TuTu's take the guesswork
out of your next party with our creative party themes and unique party decor!